

our most important belief

There's nothing more important to me than allowing you and your guests to be fully immersed in your wedding experience, sipping on champagne, enjoying the fresh evening air, and dancing the night away. I believe a wedding planner's job is to create a seamless, personalized design and pair it with a perfectly executed experience that allows you to relax.


joyful memories.

Why pour hours of planning and thousands of dollars into something you aren't willing to protect with the insurance of a planner.

Truly your wedding is an investment and my job is to make sure all the pieces seamlessly work together.

It's so important to me that your wedding is actually enjoyable, and not stressful.

Cookie cutter weddings aren't something I do. Each wedding is truly personalized to both of your cultures and personalities.

Here's my philosophy...

Greta is single handedly the reason that our wedding was so smooth, seamless, and stress free.

alexis b.